hi can u explain what u mean by this part? @Joong i dont see to see that in the guidelines that matt wrote which only mentions harrassment...
The winners r random wat r u on abt?
if no one submits anything does @Sen automatically win this?
taking aside the harrassment part, did u or auxerre mention anything about the Objectionable Behavior infraction which harrassment falls under?...
can try drop ur 95 wa dps? or eqp no text?
drop n reloot 60/13 dps >:D
lets just keep it on acc scrolls ya? can go discuss stat scrolls in another thread instead of here
whats wrong with buying stacks of normal arrows to show this :(
add scroll 60% sack x2 itcg x2
wao so pro
make it this instead since everyone shld be a kuma with cute cat tail [ATTACH]
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Yes, you can. its just annoying af
Yes hamstring good. Btw S>hamstring 30sb. Also @leodexe i happen to use inferno in shao on my 200 bm to combo with my IL's ice demon so its not...
so no one is gonna point out all of bms skills require arrows except for our little bird n power knockback while nl has a skill which allows them...
fyi theres a spinel at boat quay town
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] so many def scroll :admincry:
i just wanna point out that a lot of changes made have been worded as tho they were bugs when they are just buffs/nerfs/outright modifications...
in that case ice demon shld b the same then. i dun spam ice demon cos i nid fire arrows too (rip arrowless bm)
ya rando mob drop
time to finally clear my el nath pq [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
[ATTACH] dk if i unlucky or wat but stat seems fixed [ATTACH]
i saw the clones moving ard after ice demon was used also, the mobs literally moving ard after fire demon was used in the vid posted by @CreamGoddess
[ATTACH] why is there a b?
Separate names with a comma.