Hi, I understand what you are trying to say, but the statements you make are not in line with what we set out to achieve with the rework of the...
We have guidelines in place which all users must follow when it comes to filing reports. All reports for objectionable behaviour, including...
Please make a Character Issues thread here: https://royals.ms/forum/forums/character-issues.55/ to have your issue resolved for now!
Did you do the Romeo PQ or the Juliet PQ? Ie who was the main NPC along the party quest? Did you do the Romeo PQ or the Juliet PQ?
Hi, this should be fixed in Update 74.1. So please head over to https://royals.ms/?page=download and download the Update 73.4 -> Update 74.1 Mini...
Destruction and chaos - these are the fiercest creatures known to man [IMG] [IMG]
[IMG] How do you do, fellow Royallers? One year ago (time flies, doesn't it?), we published the first GM Blog, and had the following to say:...
[IMG] Just like in real life, huh.
Thanks for your report. We are investigating the cause of this, and will update you as soon as possible.
This wasn't actually related to pirates, but we've fixed it for the next server check.
I have added the list of items that went into the game with Update 74, in case any user wishes to document this and propose changes:...
[IMG] Happy Mapling! - The MapleRoyals Staff
To be refunded, I recommend creating a thread for the GM to look at, in the Character Issues subforum here:...
This is absolutely a high priority item for us, but as of yet we are not aware of reliable ways to replicate it. I think player feedback is...
The i-frames of this mob are part of its design, similar to Bigfoot.
Can you describe the steps you took whilst you were in the Nine Spirit Nest map? And did you have the Dragon Squad quest in progress?
Probably yes.
It's not a bug, but a design choice from Update 67: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/update-67-24-09-2020.173698/ If you want this to change, I...
There is a bug with some bosses' 1/1 that causes pets to not use Auto HP. I presume this is what is being referred to! Forgive me if I'm mistaken....
Pianus is on the main post. The other bosses aren't included because they must be manually summoned by the player and thus don't have a "respawn...
If you desire compensation I recommend creating a character issue thread and letting an administrator handle it:...
Separate names with a comma.