s/b 2b c/o - 2.1b @gogomis1 a/w 5cs/ws OR 2.5B accepting cs/ws @ 500m, and 1b coins BID WILL END FRIDAY 8PM PST (SATURDAY 0300 ST)
Nosebleed said it all... or you can always go to GMS where that's allowed lol would be dumb to add that to this current version, as this is...
ill buy, pm me
what made you be the person that apparently no one can outdmg or they RWT ? LOL im fuckin dead dude :D
^ an issue i could see with that is people pressing the button all the time for the fun of it and wasting GM times , but maybe can add a penalty...
1.9 bwg and sb fs
sb mw20 ~f8
sold for AW ^ ! enjoy the cape ~
noted! bid ends 24hrs from last offer
no downgrades at the moment sorry!
S/B - 2.7b C/O - AW A/W - 3.2b accepting 1b coins and cs/ws at 500m , bid will end 24hrs from last bid i reserve the right not to sell it, if i...
my IQ just dropped in this thread... jokes on you i was at 0 already
hello friend, im sorry but im gonna retract the offer! i tried my luck scrolling and made a 25 tma noel, which is all i needed and now i can 1hit...
1.65 noel i guesssssssssss
ill a/w the wand
10attk 3.1b , coins or ws/cs :)
2.1 mw20 ? :D -Extzy
up up and awayy
I sell ulu2 telecaster with 145 FP. 75/40. add me in game when needed :) Extzy
looking to spend about 2b on a noel , pm me ur price / stats of the one you have for sale also looking for a 185-190 TMA wand 5, pm me stat/price
s/b wand5 if still available
sorry denied x2 Kappa
Separate names with a comma.