He had it at 8b s/b before he realized it was tremendously overpriced. May wanna rethink your comment.
I just snagged these in a shop for a fortunate price and have no use for them since I'm a warrior [img] A/w: 2.6b I accept mesos, 1b coin,...
40m 11 int robe
Just make it so your leech EXP is reduced by something like 90% if you haven’t attacked a mob on the map within like 30 seconds (also remove...
Gender roles exist for a reason. (most) Women like (physically attractive) men who take initiative and have the self-confidence to put themselves...
Well if you 100% event scroll it to 121 it would it would be valued at roughly 3-3.5b. Because of that I personally wouldn’t sell the ski below...
Read my post right before the one you quoted :) The issue is that players (new and old) are trying to boss without HB in the first place. If...
Bring a class with decent DPS and a skill that boosts your HP 60%? No!!! Just give us higher HP so we don't have to bring the class that boosts...
Indeed @ the first part, but....I mean, is under 2 months (3.1kx50=155k, you get 240k per month for free, I exaggerated a LOT for the sake of...
Entirely from memory, most from verbal interactions on Ventrilo back in the day or from personal in-game experiences (such as the player on Sushi...
That's A-OK, you do you man! The affordability was being referenced because the player was misled into thinking it cost thousands to HP wash (to...
I can only see the thumbnail but it appears his HP is 6.8XX base (correct me if I am wrong please, it's blurry as shit). Unfortunately that HP...
What are you attempting to show? I can't view it on mobile. If you watch the old videos you'll see the magic damage done is beyond that of which...
3.1k X 50-75 = nowhere near even 1000. Please do the math before making up random numbers. We're not talking about 30k base, we're talking about...
Sushi = originally Susan, info. given to Craig AKA account sharing Tiger = originally Gavin, info. given to Craig and Zoe AKA account sharing...
Yes, you needed to wash as a ranged char. with HB in order to survive HT. Unless you're talking about @ level 200, which just isn't applicable...
So if most players (currently) don't bring HB with the need to wash more, you believe that lowering the need to wash will create more incentive...
That's the issue we have-it makes attaining the required HP easier. Players will be able to participate in end-game bosses with less time, less...
Karlos is right about HP changes catering towards casuals rather than players who are seeking actual achievement-based goals. He's just letting...
119 1.5-2b 120 2.5-3b 121 3-3.5b
Nice player, just met him in-game and he was appreciative of any help given.
Separate names with a comma.