Hello sair hit hard at lvl 150?
Sb kc
aw has been changed ending in 8 hours
C/o by @Eywh ~
Last bamp ending tomorrow
I get trolled lol C/o 28.5 by tuna
Updated as c/o
Selling in 24 hours
Noted thank you♡
HELLO ~ I bring to you a good price for everyone who wan't to hit 199k at lvl 120 :p [IMG] (image find on google) Sb:28b C/o: 29b @Eywh Aw:...
Since when 19 att is 70b value aweonao
You most be that 10% who enjoy ht as sair (me)
It's all about the class but on my opinion i believed bucc it's the master piece for a good class who dosn't need mush gear 100-105 King cent 30...
Welcome to royals :)
Also buff the attack power, there's MTK & RTK out there, making no point to have this, only for cosmetic / "nostalgia" purpose. Not to mention,...
Mono ctm detente♡
https://reloj-alarma.es/temporizador/#countdown=24:00:00&date=2024-01-28T13:17:15&title=Temporizador There you go
Separate names with a comma.