It's for the dev to review and make a comment when he has time later on in the future, whether tomorrow or a year down the line. If he says it's...
Should just make a subforum for this. No one knows if it's really accepted or not. Dev doesn't have to search thru multiple pages of accepted if...
I'm not sure why you're calling me stubborn. You haven't presented a reasonable argument for me to change the writing. Assuming a person even...
I applaud you for working that hard to get up to 25k hp. Unfortunately, this isn't true for everyone. For example, the Von Leon I ran the other...
3.6b [:(]
3.1b :VLsad:
2.6b :VLsad:
S/b on the spear :)
Thanks for considering us! If you're online now, then you can reach me on my characters: DarkoPhilom or DarkoRevan. I'll be on for the next 2~3...
Hope you guys consider Warriors in the fight too. People see how Shadowers/Buccaneers are just untouchable due to their high avoid/iframes and...
Change Bee powder exchange format to enter a number of powders to exchange to Totem OR add option to exchange 1 powder to 5x totems Heavily buff...
ALL Your Character Names: Darkomantis DarkoPhilom DarkoHSbot DarkoFPbot DarkoHBbot DarkoSEbot DarkoPIRbot DarkoSinbot DarkoSEbot3 DarkoRIPbot...
If you're unable to set cooldown for attacks then it's unfortunate. Probably just save the resources for a future boss or other bosses. Okay, I...
We all wish we had that buddy to come talk down someone for you.
So anyone doesn't get mislead, will quote from my post here: Anyone that can math better can correct me so I can delete this post
Thanks for going over the idea after so long... But I have to wonder why this was rejected/wasn't picked up... Maybe some Staff members were...
Added 9/4 SCG
If you were doing RG on Warrior/Shad/Mage and completing on Energizer in ~30mins, then RG is still very much worth to do since before you got...
I think it's easier to sit through a HT as a buyer to collect an ungodly HTP than it is to collect potentially 100~300+ mons for the godly 8atk....
I was curious and went to check how an 8atk 8/8 MoN compares with a 23/23 HTP for Bucc, Hero, and BM using geybrian's damage calculator. I saw...
I'll be somewhat on for the next 12 hours, can let me know when available and come hang around Ch 20 FM (our hangout spot)
[IMG] Created: September 1st, 2019 | North American-based Pre-Guild: Shrooms Guildmaster: Darkomantis Current Junior Masters: slowlydying/Qwii...
Hi, it's been 24 hrs. Can find me in the Ch20 FM
Noted. Will sell in 24 hrs if no other bid
Trade finished with Mr."happy?"
Separate names with a comma.