I cs'd my black belt it's complete trash now :3
I'm all for more useless quest items being added :love:
Hello guys. This quest text is different now but still broken. [IMG] Missing spaces for dragon skin and dark jr yeti skins. [IMG] Missing space at...
Forfeit any medal challenges in progress.
Intentional probably. What if you got a new pet and Kenta was like "sorry I already made your husky speedy I'm not doing it again".
Team Members: Inusama, ChiffonAoi, Jooon, Controversy, Z2hee, Hangsung Category: GM Tree Concept of tree: Our tree is dedicated to the GMs...
3. Let pets die >:D
[IMG] I finally got my dark knight to LVL200! Thanks for everyone coming at 01/01/2021 at 00:00 to become the first 200 of 2021! [IMG]
Not enough needless detail! Questline is LVL30+ They both show up in the event tab. Quest names: A Happy Maple New Year! maple admin bit The...
Morphing Pet Necklace
1st place in gm event ~f15 it's ola ola ~f18
[IMG] Item ID: 4031457 Thanks to winc13 for bringing this to my attention :3
135k NX for me ~f8
I'm pretty sure there's no red drakes on this server. [IMG] You can get flaming feather from Selkie Jr.'s at MP3 or GS5 - both in Boat Quay Town...
friendship ended with mb1 now area c-3 is my best friend who else remembers being stuck at gs2 from 58-75 ~f8
Full equip inventory? Traded for it already? You can only get one per year.
They did buff party exp already
They would just bot to the level requirement and then go hassle you or just go harass people in other maps for attention.
Real footage of Gert's perfect dragon crossbow 10%+ws scrolling adventure [IMG]
Wrong area https://royals.ms/forum/threads/make-the-quest-specialist-medal-give-hp.118975/
Talk to your 4th job NPC ;)
I don't think it's worth changing. The best in slot for both genders is the lvl110 blue dragon overall which has no gender restriction.
[IMG] Spotted this in the fm. During the hunger animation.
Love me some fixes that don't get mentioned in the patch notes. Updated ;)
Separate names with a comma.