Not accepting downgrades?
People on the forums having a civil discussion about NLs.
IGN : WolfXLord Job / Level : NL/171 Date(s) Attending : Sunday 03/24 Needed Loots : HTP/Egg/TT30 Need HB? (Yes / No) : Yes?? (8.9k hp)
I was wondering what it costee
No, but here is my bias: Just nerf HP Washing The entire point of NLs is that they have very low HP, rely on avoid, have no ability like magic...
If someone could @ me when theres an answer for NLs which is better that would be great. I'm never sure about the LUK vs WA debate.
Things like this make me love Maple. Its the memories, meeting people, goofing around, getting to explore this expansive world with a new...
Mostly just quest bug fixes at this point.
I once had a really bad experience with a player in CWK. I then blacklisted 'her' and avoided partying with 'her'. Problem solved. Moving on.
updated bump
no u mad fun of mi for mi rang
Accepting downgrades?
Wait I went to a 200 party for a GM? What is this madness?
Please no new jobs.
When you do 'holy' or 'light' damage and do special damage against the undead, you're generally considered to be a holy class. Also considering...
maybe if you played more you'd be higher
Sell AP Resets instead of Gacha tickets. They're a pretty constant value, you'll make ~25m or so each time you vote (a bit more). Join a guild....
It seems lower, but I may have just gotten really lucky the few months previously. I would routinely get 4+ in 1/4 runs and would rarely every get...
OmG i HaVe No MoNeY jUsT bIlLiOnS wOrTh Of ChAiRs F3
Used to get from like 6-10 per APQ Past month has been 1-5
Does this mean that I cannot continue to kill the slime? I'm trying to turn in a present that I received after the 20.
Separate names with a comma.