I really like this idea and i think this could ease the pain of grinding for Energy's. i think it would also be easy to implement you could add...
I think all the mobs in LHC should drop Burning Energy's. the reason why im making this thread is because im actively working on scrolling my VL...
IGN Tupac1994/BossPolice Can Leave a Msg here or add me ingame Not accepting downgrades
"bro isnt it obvious that i found enough attkers and need a mage now?" Could of been worded I found attackers and now i need mages now. and we...
S/B Stars Manual
I'll add my input after the update. these are things i've noticed after a few runs: 1. VL's Vulture Stun now lasts 2 seconds instead of 1. i...
it would not surprise me that this will happen to the melee classes eventually
Melees/BM/Sairs have left the chat
19PGC + 13 bill Msg here or ingame IGN BossPolice/Tupac1994
I think i understand the meaning of this now
@PotionSaverr [MEDIA] My Zhelm could be better that would allow me to use an atk cape instead but for now its fine
You can Gain exp from every mob/boss in the game. As long as you are either within 5 lvls of the Person Killing or within 5 lvls of the mob/boss...
I second this. i almost exclusively use my Drk for everything now it would be nice for heros to get this buff ^_^
At the beginning of the video you can see my range pre apple i forgot to include it in the video. I know you can start as early as lvl 35 but the...
I posted a video above 30mins of leech if anyone's interested in the exp per apple
As someone who's made a new character before the event the bonus exp helps lvling it faster so i voted yes not to mention farming would be nice...
Next time im at goby's ill see how much exp per 10mins/hour the rates are on apple Edit: heres a 30min video of me leeching a lvl 45 on apple i...
This is How ive been leeching at Goby's myself it seems to be the best way [MEDIA]
[ATTACH] S/B 24Bill A/W 25Bill Sold for A/W @Ravia in game Accepting White scroll 500M Chaos scroll 500M Bill Coins Selling in 72 Hours Prefer...
As the Title says Trading 2 Balanced Fury's + 100Mill for 1 Magic Throwing Knife All Out IGN Tupac1994/BossPolice Or you could just leave a MSG here
I attempted my first Auf Haven solo and while doing so half way through Auf Haven's first body it stopped attacking when i finally killed it the...
Ill buy the 1 int 6 luk ring IGN BossPolice/NoNoobCleric feel free to add me ingame
Bump Lowered S/B And A/W
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