"Genesis Regular: 2700ms Meteor Shower/Blizzard Booster2: 3060ms (-420ms) Booster1: 3270ms (-210ms) Regular: 3480ms" Also Genesis is the only...
Pretty sure that would be Paralyze. o_O Chain Lightning is a bit faster but Paralyze is stronger, unless you're counting multi-target DPS.
Been reading the above comments and at the end of the day I guess its just about who's being nicer than the other. Personally I've once walked...
Idk about that man, pretty sure it says Not Recruiting at the top of the page... Well I guess its not really a guild rule tho. :eek:
Wtf, that's nutty. :eek: A big issue here is we are not in the same range or even class bracket LOL.
I mean the colors would still be in the same order, but after yellow there would be green, then pink. Color makes the most sense imo because I’m...
Personally I would prefer having more colors being added. Iirc in GMS there was pink and green after yellow? Or green and pink, forgot, but more...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Longest HT run… never again. We tried rushing tail, but we ran out of smokes so everyone died except me and the...
wow rich, free bump
I saw a FM shop under Ario's name. :eek:
[ATTACH] First time solo-ing Shao! Granted I got a random Echo in FM, still pretty cool to me. :8):
IGN: Duderino REASON: Stole my FM spot while trying to reset DETAILS: Same as reason. Wanted to reset my store before going to work for the whole...
Best I got so far was 20 bees with ~6mins left on my naked F/P. Doing first map helps a lot because it’s fire weak. As the person above me said,...
Didn't someone sell a perfect Kanzir for 500m? That's more than 1 zero
Then you should’ve set the auto/win higher. I’m glad I stopped bidding and didn’t a/w before the other guy or else if I was in his shoes I’d be...
4.3b for 17 atk scg
4.1b for 17 atk scg
Would you accept a 15 atk scg downgrade + top up?
Hello! I'll keep it simple and short here. I was wondering if it was possible to add timers for skills on cooldown like this: [IMG] It would...
I second this highly since I got low ping and also because it glitches with my Purple Beret ~f3 , it turns invisible whenever I come out of dark...
Interesting, because from my personal experience, I currently have around that on my Shadower, or just slightly less + I use one apple but I’ve...
So I just bought a purple beret and some RP to make this cute outfit, but then I noticed whenever I'd use Assassinate, my hat would disappear. ~f6...
Oh boy this brings back memories... :eek: Imo if they could just make Magic Guard undispel-able and add elemental decrease to second (or third?...
Ehhh I don't have a CS atm, I said CS as in Cash Shop lol. If you want I'll pass you my shield 30 or 31 atk (? Forgot) as collateral while I'm...
Separate names with a comma.