Update 6/25 Didn't log on for the second day in a row. Starting to feel withdrawal symptoms. I don't know how much longer I can do this.
That's the point that I'm trying to get across. In most cases, the unluckiest person isn't going to get the kind of end game gear that the...
There's a huge difference between the rng of chaos scrolls and regular scrolls. Imo (a lot of people share this opinion) end game shouldn't...
Sure the sense of progression is great. But when end game is completely dictated by RNG, it's ridiculous. A person who has played the server for a...
6/24 Update Decided to not log on today. Was very difficult. But I pushed through and played a different game.
The issue is that "good" attack gear is quickly losing value. A 10 attack cape used to be really good. Now if you don't have that or better you're...
It's too late for that though. A change like that would most likely require a wipe.
You could just use it on the first slot, maybe the second, then chaos the rest. Extremely flawed. Hopefully itll never be added. Too late for...
There are just simply way too many atk shoes/capes in the game atm. Having a 10+ atk shoe/cape doesn't mean nearly as much as it should (IMO)....
There's already a huge issue with there being way too many chaosed items in the game. Adding more chaos scrolls to the game is in no way going to...
There's a thing called "transmog" that a couple other v83 servers have used. Afaik it's basically just an NPC that creates nx gear which had the...
Arch mages aren't even good at bossing o.o This is overall an incredibly flawed system. Would HP transfer over? If so, then this would be...
I honestly think the mindset of "this will make current end game equips useless" is what's going to kill this server in the long run. I am totally...
I still don't recall PB ever being confirmed. Unless what Matt said in this thread was a confirmation.
New classes aren't going to be added unfortunately. So the only content that'll be added will be new maps/bosses. But I doubt anything will really...
Where's the dog?
No, the issue is that the majority of end game equips are heavily dependent on amazing rng. Having more chaos scrolls would just leech to more...
I personally support the addition of a new world. There are a lot of issues with royals. Servers don't normally need to worry about them because...
There will most likely not be a wipe. Don't worry about that. The fact is, when this server goes down hill, which will eventually happen, it will...
The issue isn't the meso rate. It's maps like gobies. Way more money comes into the game through the npcing of equips than anything else. A nerf...
afaik you don't instantly die due to damage reflect. You usually have time to react to it. You just have to pay very close attention to it.
I have played a few servers that have ToT the way it originally was. It seems like the spawn is just barely good enough for it to be bearable to...
Afaik, it's never been confirmed. There have been I guess rumors for well over a year, but from what I can remember it has never been confirmed....
Thought you owed him gloves:p Maybe I was wrong.
I thought that was gerg's 30 tma wg o.o
Separate names with a comma.