Hey there, I hope you are doing well. Your honesty is greatly appreciated but nevertheless, the MapleRoyals staff takes a firm stance against any...
Can you please list all of your IGNs?
Honesty is truly an admirable quality to own, and I really appreciate you owning up to your mistake. With that being said, the MapleRoyals staff...
I will be locking this thread until an admin will be able to verify your claims. Please avoid creating new ban appeals as they will be locked...
You won't be unbanned as you have gained an unfair advantage over other players by voting more than once daily.
Our logs suggest otherwise.
Thank you for your quick reply. You have been permanently banned for major vote abuse. [spoiler]
Every ban for vote abuse, minor or major gets double-checked by an admin before its issued.
Please list all your characters.
Take care. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. :)
Fair enough. You have been permanently banned for major vote abuse. [spoiler]
Please list all of your characters.
You have been permanently banned for major vote abuse. [spoiler]
What about Nekolei? You have been permanently banned for major vote abuse. [spoiler]
Is there anyone else who plays MapleRoyals in your household? Feel free to bump this appeal if you wish me to assist you further. You can still...
That's understandable. You have been permanently banned for major vote abuse. [spoiler]
Please list all of your IGNs.
You have been permanently banned for Major vote abuse. [spoiler]
Have you listed all of your characters?
Be well. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
The voting database is only accessible to the admins who diligently verify that you have abused our voting rules prior to issuing the ban.
Your post must be written in this format and posted by the person who owns the account: All Your Character Names: Last thing you did: Why do you...
Take care. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
Separate names with a comma.