you need 1.9k before HB if you're getting HB, or 3.1k without HB.
In addition, int is the major factors in determining your accuracy for magic attacks, so you'll be able to hit higher level monsters sooner.
What classes are getting buffs is not confirmed, but it's a reasonable expectation. Anyway, yes it's (primarily) due to the skills in this...
For the bosses that we have in the server right now, not really. You can do all of them with just a few (30-40) washes (which you will have enough...
I don't think its very high on the priority list of developers to mess with shops when they're already one of the largest contributors to lag and...
If you price the item for some amount such that your mesos stored in frederick plus the price of the item is over max mesos, it cannot be bought....
This. I saw someone smega'ing about selling a 109 dragon bow yesterday. If you're not going for 100% perfect (140 atk) on a nisrock, it's not...
This is new and exciting information.
Please we tried that months ago and you didn't love us enough.
Synergy. @maggles how old are ya'll exactly?
Yes, it does add a pretty significant amount of damage, but it also has to do with how long ago that was - the current top heroes have had a year...
Did you kill the manon yourself, or did someone else do it for you? there are two separate manons cries, one is for the original quest and one is...
especially hard to know because the total mesos number includes banned and inactive players. How many mesos have been sunk simply by people...
That's another question I had - if ~gms should contain any specific information. Typically mine look something like "(ign) (ign) and (ign) just...
A discussion came up on my BL last night about how often players should be ~gm'ing. While it seems to be common knowledge that you should not send...
Honestly it should only take you 30-40 minutes per map using blizzard. They resist ice (so you'll do 50% damage), but they're not immune to it.
Guys this is a post from august. He's already been banned for months.
It does work and it worked in GMS as well.
Clean slate scrolls do exist. AFAIK they drop very (very) rarely from ToT bosses. The rest of that post I agree with.
Not sure i agree with this logic, considering that perfect weapons dont get bids that high and those are typically a more efficient purchase...
I dont think the revenue that ads would return would be worth the effort to the staff of the server and the annoyance to the players, and if it...
My HS mule at 91 with no int from gear and no MW hits about 40% of the time. MW 20 bumps that up to maybe 80%. If I'm looking at the right...
When I duo and a party member dc's you effectively lose the portion of exp that he has earned. Say for example you have a boss with 200m HP that...
Nope. My HS mule has them all completed and is only level 91. And yes, the problem is (much like with bf leech) a CB can only do those levels...
just want to add a note that I've owned stores in the lower position that have been left alone for days in similar circumstances, so this doesn't...
Separate names with a comma.