I believe so - when I accepted the introduction quest and turned it in, it logged my base HP and MP in chat [IMG] 9403 was my base HP including...
Some feedback/observations on the update to the Elixir of Life quest: I did it 8 times on the same character so far and received 20 HP x6 and 10...
added 7 dex 9 luk clean female osfa pants
look at the weap def on this beauty!!! buy my brother’s cape
my brother @newduhls told me to 30 the pioneer again because I DON'T MISSSSSSSS 37 str 2 dex 5 slots now, updated s/b and a/w
A/W lapiz sandals can find me in game on Aelyssia :)
32 str, 2 dex, 6 slot white pioneer (+4 on perf str) 37 str, 2 dex, 5 slot white pioneer (+5 on perf str) ty @newduhls for making me 30 it again...
I think the essence of your suggestion is currently available as the Search for the Elixir of Life quest. The additional feature of having the HP...
@Doton made a good suggestion about making Tokens of Teamwork redeemable for an untradeable HP potion. I think this would tick the box of gaining...
I voted yes for reasons that others have already stated above. Would this HP increase be available to everyone regardless of level or current hp?...
Buy my brother’s mitts they keep your hands and heart warm :3
Rich sheep!!
good catch, added B3 :) I briefly touch on it here: I will clarify this section more when I get a chance, thanks for your input!
The guide I was looking at might be outdated with the latest additions to the item set collection, but it listed 8 unique sets. So a weekly option...
I see what you mean, however I don't feel like the HP amount should be reduced as people who are doing the HP quest every day likely are in a...
Currently, doing the daily HP quest nets to an average of 100 hp every 7 days. I would love a weekly option to be added that takes the combined...
this glove ain't gucci but it'll keep your hands warm
[ATTACH] S/B: 1.2b C/O: A/W: 1.5b Selling in 24h of last uncontested bid or A/W Accepting: b coin, cs/ws @ 510m, 15 att scg/bwg @ 800m
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