Both give +1 DEX, but take up separate spots in the inventory. Please fuse? [IMG] [IMG]
Gave to all (except SinDitz, I'm looking for you!!) if I liked your post, it means I gave you something :)
Hi guys, I'm quitting and have lots of random items to give away. I want to give to people who need, so if you are just looking to...
green mitten probably 1.5b-1.6b
10/7 top will probably go for 50m-100m 7/11 top will go for even more, not really sure (150m+)
Besides selling leech, other ways of making mesos is about finding items that players constantly need. It is best to keep money making tips a...
taru feather 300-500k antellion 5-10m
they're selling for 14-19m each right now
Name: IGN: BladeWalker Job: Crusader Level: 88 Activeness (1-10): 6 Country/Time Zone: US EST Why do you want to join us: active guild with a cool...
118+ sky ski's are usually 2b+, so you will not find them in FM stores
pm'd. I'd like to buy 1 GFA 100%
1. idk pinaka prices 2. No, with the set up you listed, the sky ski will not out-dps the pinaka [SPOILER] You have a +3.97% Damage advantage over...
saw a 14/126 att ST for 1.5b in fm4. if you're looking to spend all 2b on an ST, it would be 128att max probably
helped 3 random people today, 2 of them became my friend 1st person asked me for directions so I walked them there 2nd person smega'd requesting...
A bishop is probably the most efficient character for making mesos (whether it be leech or farming), but you will not need one to be sufficient....
if you boost to 30 INT at level 82, you will be able to wash to 18750 hp at level 172-180 (there's some variance/randomness) so not too late....
This is how I would upgrade (order of priority): 1. currently, mark of naricain (250m-300m VIP service) will give you highest DPS for lowest...
as requested by the seller, here is my review of the experience: very quick fame service, would buy again. I recommend his ARMY to anyone
no longer needed, but here's a bump ^_^'
you should mention leveling up with INT equips, which should start as early as possible (level 8), so they can HP wash more. cool guide concept
7m each, need 5 of them. bought all thanks
2H-swords have a higher multiplier than 1H-swords, so 1 attack = more damage range for 2H than 1H. i need to double check the numbers but I...
saw a 17/127 ST for 1.8b in fm 5 if that helps
free bump
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