I'm sure it will be fixed eventually, But I doubt it is high on their priority list.
Welcome to the server, enjoy your stay.
Sometime after Big Bang, All 3 warriors' Crash skills were replaced with Magic Crash, which could block Weapon Cancel. I know the skills changed...
You're thinking of post big bang Magic Crash that all warriors obtained. In this version, DK's Power Crash takes away the buff that makes an enemy...
Nonexistent. EDIT: Was going based off title, chance for hyper skills is nonexistent. Chances for new bosses is much higher, an example being...
Name: Daniel IGN: FirmGrip Time zone: EST Favorite maplestory place: Floor 69 of Ludi tower
@Dimitri why tf are you reviving this dead shit thread
[MEDIA] Thanks Kirk
Please whisper either: danman, Epok, Blunts, Such, Assassinfood, Sprinkies, eyelashes, Hairest, or xTactical to join. :) A heads up to anyone...
Horntail is cool I guess.
Be sure to whisper either: danman, Epok, Sprinkies, Blunts, eyelashes, Such, Hairesy, xTactical, or AssassinFood to join. Welcome aboard friends! :)
I need this..
Love you Dimi!
[ATTACH] Made this. Also p/c?
Update: Sold crystal ilbis in game, added s/b.
See: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/read-this-please.98667/
Hi guys, be sure to contact either: danman, Epok, Eyelashes, Blunts, Such, Hairesy, Sprinkies, or xTactical to join. I'll keep trying to /find you...
[ATTACH] Won this in a Hide and Seek event years ago!
I'm sorry my now ex guild member scammed you two. If you want, message me in game on danman or Derndude and I will refund your money myself.
Typing ~mapowner shows who owns the map. In this case someone typed it and saw that you owned the map, so they cc'd looking for a map with no owner.
Looks like someone added you, welcome! Added, welcome to the guild!
Heroes and Paladins do not need to hp wash, thought it always helps.
Separate names with a comma.