Maybe the best example of how useless the DEF stat in this game is is when you switch between a HTP with a whooping +255 DEF to a defless MoN and...
@Zancks and I tested the Dunas V2 map and compared it with duo grinding at Mavericks. The results are as follows: At Imperial Guards we got around...
I don't think that a specific top-player strategy should be our point of reference but rather how the ordinary player plays this game. Sure, that...
I'm not quite following what you're trying to say. Let's say I'm a casual player with a level 18x-19x main Hero with a weak HS mule, and I'm not...
Sure thing! ^^
I'd like to emphasise that my suggestion is not about solo grinding but party grinding. As someone who regularily solo grind at mavericks I can...
Your logic is kinda flawed and I'll explain why with a simple example: Let's say that there's an island (Mapleroyals) where people eat unseasoned...
I'm also down for testing, even today if anybody is available
I had that idea in mind but it's kinda problematic. In Neo Tokyo the only map (in my opinion) that really fits grinding is the one just outside...
I just noticed that in the recent patch the EXP system got buffed and there's now a RoyalTip that explains that system and introduces it to the...
Yay ~8th~8th~8th:tobenaww:
I was quite disappointed to know that there's no 1.2x coupon this year along with the players count bonus. I'm just wondering why for the...
I remember that in GMS I used to get a lot of Pieces of Time from these monsters (maybe their drop rate was higher than the other monsters), but...
The grinding portals are somewhat problematic since hackers can enter these and basically no one can see and report their activities there. Since...
It shouldn't be easily accessible, that's why I wrote this map should be accessible only after a certain level and after completing a certain...
True, but it is too problematic to find a party this way since you have to find a party first and only then enter the Boss map. Not to mention you...
I actually didn't know we have such a system and that is actually very encouraging since it eliminates the tricky part of my suggestion. I'd...
TL ; DR: The idea is to add a new map revolving around grinding in parties for those who do not like bossing (like me) which is accessible after...
חחחח מה קראתי עכשיו
Adding a teleport portal from the beginning of Mushroom Shrine to somewhere around the Neo Tokyo well would definitely be a great QoL change
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