40-50 acc sounds too broken from 3 pets Let me share you my experience as a full str build claymore user when I was 160 my accuracy was around...
Not much, definitely a set to get if aiming for Legendary Collector Edit: If your goal is Master Collector you can prob find easier options
I guess I have to explain myself.... I'm aware spot stealing is very debatable whether is blacklist worthy or not This is my opinion and I know...
Blacklist rule #1: Don't be a dick If someone sees you are going to reopen store , follows you and stands next to you spamming his store to...
Hola, si hay demasiados latinos jugando en el server me atrevo a decir que alrededor de 100 en los horarios mas concurridos Hay muchos guilds...
No te acordaras de esto pero la primera vez que nos conocimos dentro del juego fue en el lobby de APQ hace muchos meses atras, tu me empezaste a...
Thank you I hope you don't delete that comment too :)
So sad you could have shown some empathy yet you decide to drown yourself deeper.
Best way to kill as a hero with St is without booster. And with claymore + booster you can pin really easy
We already have mount at home
1. IGN: FruityPooPSy 2. REASON: Apple Stealing & Leaving 3rd Run 3. DETAILS: First of all I want to clarify ill try to be as impartial as...
Regardless between those two classes Bucc is a lot better in the overall MR meta
Also heros are better on shao but rest of the bosses Bucc better
It would really be nice if Heros could make Melee parties more viable, this is a great suggestion for Enrage :)
We are just two individuals with two different perspectives and that's fine. Gonna do my daily dose of pain aka APQ Peace <3
So you tell us to get involve into people discussions and now you show us we need to insult others. Sure thing we are getting places.
Agreed Just don't come with your own personal point of view calling out the real victims here (bunny and the other guy that didn't participate in...
Watching people get abused is not right sir I advice some therapy About the case I see two parties capable of defending themselves who are not...
Here in royals arguing is a very severe crime, if you dont step into a two grown ups discussion you will get some jail time :)
Can pay 500m + 1.25b Worth of apples
Buy MW 20 paying with apples Apples as 8.5m ea
Will Enrage ever be useful ? :/
Would you accept 10 att pgc + 2 WS?
Add a poll so we can show our support! :)
Added Poll Bumping now that NL are back to normal
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