looking to buy a sword for the pally owo leave offers :3
s/b 4.5b a/w 5.5b accepting ws/cs @ 480m b coin can also do this + 15fs + meso for 16 fs/ this + 17bfc + meso for 19 bfc closed pending trade~
strongly agree here. doing rg on bucc can be frustrating because you cant weave in your mount inbetween groups of mobs as well as making the bee...
ill a/w 119/21 kc, i should be able to make the trade on sunday as i need some time to liquidate and raise the final funds. IGN: Navelludd
actually no, its glitched and dont appear every run, ive had it happen in 3 runs so far.
I kinda disagree with making Rage stack with attack potions because this wouldn’t make people want to include heroes in their party, it would just...
Ah i think this occurs when your 21st would spawn as opposed to when you hit 20, or maybe my guild chat was lively and I just missed it lol. Yes...
add an announcement when you hit cap
no its not scuffed, you can use 81 aprs to get yourself to 23 luk, 23 luk is what you'd have at lvl 200 anyway and this would cost you less than...
if you dont want to risk using a bad helm most people use what is called backup helms while they roll new ones, so go do scar and use that helm as...
hi! im also a dark knight and the first thing that sticks out here is that youre using a htp instead of a mon, id highly reccomend running cwk and...
Is the earrings still available?
ill offer 2b and 2 cs for the 11str speccs my ign is Navelludd
sold in game for 666m
I’ll be online in about 3 hours
Hi! Did I win? :) My IGN is Navelludd
3.6 for gzak
ill match rosa's bid if she decides to not buy this one :)
you could probably get a 151 for that but a 153 is worth more, feel free to make another offer :)
S> this wand, taking offers. s/b 500 a/w 600 accepting: meso stoppers @400k applos @9m edit: set s/b and a/w sold
on a side note, my worst run on my 12.5k range dk (mw20 echo stopper, apple on stage 2) my lowest number of bees have been 20 and my highest has...
can you clarify how youre calculating token value? im not saying youre wrong but i'd like to know
its always the NL that notices your apple has been gone for 10 seconds and get pissed about the run being 20 sec off optimal time
thanks for the advice, i will do that if i get this same problem with my other email. for now i think we can just close this as i think this is...
i double checked and tried to change my email for my game account and im luckily still getting that email so i wont need to change there. only...
Separate names with a comma.