but u still pull mobs to mule and other buyer (helping? we said stop so many times lol) and pet loot on btw I dont care did u loot or not we got...
1. IGN: TREVONDAN (120lv pally) 2. REASON: Pull mobs to other buyer and mules / pet loot was on (idk what he looted) 3. DETAILS: keep attacking...
沒試過VPN 我網路也有這問題 接手機分享解決 這遊戲不怎麼吃流量的 沒吃到飽也不用擔心
可能是網路問題(TPC) 解決方法:換別的網路(手機分享之類的) 或VPN
I see, ty
IGN:Furan Problem:This ID already logged in Details:Accidentally tap cancel when I connecting to server [IMG]
Nerf a/w
500k for 75mat Thorns
LF>Legendary hacker reporter Medal
Please make it tradable [IMG]
give enemy an apple and u summon robos lol
Halloween Leopard Umbrella a/w 50m [IMG]
B>1st job SPR x2 for 1AP+1m?
[IMG] Cool Signature:love:
114 514 810 I just wanna say THEWORDS
bump 28hrs left
sold for a/w in game
updated c/o 860 by @Dennis89
Separate names with a comma.