IGN:R4F4 PROBLEM: Character stuck DETAILS:2 days create a new account a magician ice and now enter to kill boss in ludibrium map master chronos...
IGN:RAFACK Problem no recive nx after vote Details:just about 10 minutes ago I voted to receive nx and buy my store in the cash shop since the...
IGN:RAFACK Problem: No receive nx deatils: yesterday vote at the time of the start of the server check since at that time I played the vote and...
I thought they still have it for sale but good luck and thank you
Acepte 10att pgc and 1.5b for 12 pgc?
thank you gm =D
sry i dont selling only change for more att pgc and mesos
my IGN:BancoMex Problem:cant to find crimson balrog Details:i Need to find crimson barlog to get Crimson Balrog's Proposal help me please
how much mini shinzo chair?
my ign is RAFACK
still selling?
i offer 10att cape + 1.5b
585 skyski
550 for sky ski 101
my ign is rafack
470m skyski 101
450m skyski 101
What is the new c/o to make a new offer?
i offered 400m 101
i offered 3sets cilbis = 1.650b + 3 chaos scroll =1.350b= 3b
i offered 4 set cilbis
p/c for 15 dex earring?
thank you very much
Separate names with a comma.