[ATTACH] I did a calculation for you using the calculator, assuming: You don't have Maple Warrior and INT Gears while leveling up. You reset...
Not true though. If I record a video of someone doing this to my buyers, I will definitely report him / her. Objectionable Behavior (Disruption)...
If that's your intention, maybe you should remove the "Stop leeching at its source!" part of the title, LOL. Actually, when I read your original...
You left out 1 thing in your arguments: leech buyers pay mesos for their leech. Maybe they gained those mesos by farming on another high-level...
其实中国玩家一般都用QQ群交流,并没有一个很大的工会把大部分中国玩家都招进去。 听说以前有这种工会的,但是会长被封了,之后就都用QQ群了,汗^_^' 搜索一下MapleRoyales主题的QQ群,能搜出来不少。最大的那个群(好像是叫MapleRoyals...
24张10%不成的概率大概是8%。概率不算高,但是真遇到了也只能认倒霉。 你这个其实还好了。我以前5M一张买了30张耳环智力10%, 全都没成。...
90K NX is 105 tickets. 1.2 - 1.5 B from 105 tickets is considered very lucky. Many people don't get even 1B from 200+ or even 300+ tickets. Glad...
Since login server improvements (char deletion, PIC, channel population indicator, etc.) are scheduled for the next update, you can use the ETA...
AP resets are 16-17 M each. I feel the expected return from AP resets is higher than any gach, but people may have different opinions. If you...
As you can see in the following reference table: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/hp-washing-reference-table.17093/ Adding LV up fresh AP to HP,...
Short answers to your questions 1 and 2: Heroes usually wash to 30K HP (max). You will need 40 base INT and 50 INT from INT gears. Don't worry...
Yeah, I indeed forgot all veterans have gone through this phase as well. Sorry about that -.-' From what I see, the new players primarily demand...
In my opinion, the administration and all existing players collectively made this server so competitive and revolves so much around leeching /...
A sticky thread with suggestions? Sure. Adding them as requirements? Making them part of the forum rule? Nope. I already deal with lots of...
Similarly, if player A gives a 19/91 craven to player B, there is no way to verify whether or not the craven was "given for free" or "sold for...
As I explained in one of my previous posts, one popular (top 5 in GTop100) MapleStory private server allows account sharing, and it's doing quite...
Yeah that's definitely a problem. When GMs are working hard to deal with RWT of WS/CS/Equips, we probably shouldn't add RWT of accounts to their...
Because it is not a healthy mechanism to require new players to make a mage and farm for hundreds of hours (or do nothing but vote for 6 months),...
Yeah, if people buy accounts with real-world money, that falls under the RWT ban. But if people buy accounts with mesos, what's the real harm?...
100% agree with this. In my opinion, the rules against account sharing does more harm than good to this server. Are account sharing bans really...
Nah, I think most toad parties still need have HB. At least from what I see in smegas. It's true that NLs need to HP wash for toad with or...
Here is a guide for your reference: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/a-comprehensive-night-lord-guide.23303/#Bossing It's pretty old, but should...
https://royals.ms/forum/threads/make-assassinate-30-available-through-an-alternate-method.116839/#post-671457 Here Andreas is basically saying...
Well I guess he just named his forum account after his net worth in billions LOL
Separate names with a comma.