Thanks for the help! But er.. Im not on any anti virus nor firewall and I've done a scan on my computer. Still no avail to the random unable to...
No s/b at the moment till I figure out the prices. Which should be either tonight or tomorrow. Feel free to bid for them though, but if they are...
Thanks for shifting my thread to the right location. Haha Hmm.. I mean it hasn't happen before. Its totally out of the blue. I can surf my net...
IGN: ryannjjs Problem: As stated per title, Cannot log in nor access website or forum Details: As below: Nothing unusual or any downloads/uploads...
Bring up my post <3
Hi all, doing some clearance sales cause I've decided to abandon my shadower. Therefore I'm putting up some items for sales instead of letting it...
The throwback to the days when I was 14 playing maplesea, started my first character called Esc4rg0tz which was a rogue and eventually an assassin...
Someone here wanna go for some killing spree :o
Bumperino :D
im looking slightly higher for that. there's a c/o 500m for a wa124 if im not wrong.. lmk
There's 2 bows of wa120 in market now. Rough price 800m. Both of them are friends of mine, if you need their ign, do pm me thanks
I got a wa125 12/13 luk gold dagger. If interested pm me your offer. Edit: I also got a wa28 khanjar for sales too.
bumperino!! <3
dont try to snatch business on someone elses thread. try pm him or something -.-
can't see the image.
s/b zombie chair :D
100m on socks
i got a c/o of 65m for dec chair. and I would like to bid 115 for polar bear chair too thanks
65m dec chair ty
did you noted my c/o?
Just to confirm it's the lol 64 shield right?
December chair 50m
Selling 10wa 1slot Pink Adventurer Cape! Currently not setting any s/b nor any a/w restriction. feel free to bid thanks! Will be selling it in a...
390m on cape.
withdrawing bid from red osfa pant. sorry maggles!
Separate names with a comma.