IGN (Name)/Level: MetalGreymon (Nic) / 64 Where you're from: [IMG] 新加坡 Why you want to join SGkakis : 同乡 what... Any friends that you would know...
[ATTACH] Uhhhhhh......does this count as a failure?
I believe Shiyui is referring to the wrong map, the 2nd squids map is the right one to leech in and it does not have any gobies. Im a squid...
2.5b 10wa
s/b 10wa pgc
You know they all say karma is a bitch, but... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] ...Damn right they were.
Bumper Car.
Fr..fr...friends..? How much are those nowadays? Is one ws/cs enough to get me one?
Step 1: Bought a 295m white scroll (Yay pretty cheap, gonna keep it for my claw) Step 2: Bought a random crossbow and decides to 30% it for fun....
Any s/b on xbow? :)
Ok actually this is my real waifu [SPOILER]
Woah thats being too greedy! Just keep Ram I'll gladly take Rem from you :xD:
Added 66wa 5 slot craven :p
No response from sky ski bidder, open for bidding again.
Uhh, so... this message right here is my one-hundredth forum message. Accomplishment or nah? :xD:
Fist Bump.
Humpty Bumpty.
Will sell this in 24 hours if I don't get a better offer.
Separate names with a comma.