damn I sold my 95/13 dps for 35b 3 months ago did it's price significantly raised by 60% already? shame on me...
I have a 25 att BWG send me your offer please
closing thread , just going to keep them for self use :tobenpat:
https://royals.ms/forum/threads/23-att-red-sock.188523/page-2#post-1150284 trade for 22/1 [:D]
if you want to browse the FM without using owl service go ahead then , what makes you unable to do so? it's not a must really bad idea. 0/10
make manchester united great again :admindab:
open again ~f2
1.5b for winter red
oh only now you selling its been ages sorry I retract ~f2
buying 18/3 ~f11
if you have a c/o of 20 att gloves on your 13/3 gloves you should rapidly sell him because 13/3 gloves = 11.5b - 12b and 20/0 gloves = 15-16b...
I have 23 red sock and 25 bwg and I am not at all active hence I might put them up for sale , no cape though sorry ~f4
best of luck bro ~f2
that's a guaranteed boom over there ^_^'
I know its under the s/b but I would like to offer 55b (pure coins) thank you
[ATTACH] you mean this chair? if so , there are tons of it in royals not just a few
its 25 long time ago , it doesn't really worth to risk a 13/4 bwg with another CS because a 24 w.att and above is kinda underrated imo and people...
why won't you just hit the next slot? [MEDIA]
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