What, A chair just for my character is important - [ATTACH]
Several users today in the Shoutbox were surprised to find out that this year Pepe Chairs were not being awarded to the guilds in question....
That's fair, and honestly I Just made up random numbers, lower prices are also reasonable.
There are many monsters people don't have the card for, are annoying to farm for, or are limited bosses that make card farming difficult, tedious,...
I wanted to throw some mini-boss ideas out there that would serve the purpose of making mini-boss hunting more fruitful / Sink Mesos out of the...
Adding in a bonus half-suggestion to this, maybe in the mean-time. Can we have the system simply post to chat, "You have used one of your boss...
Tacking on a bonus request to this. I wish I could set the color THEN go through all the potential hair colors. Sometimes I have a color in mind,...
I think the thing is there's 2 interpretations of this suggestion. 1. Make untradable items able to be stored somewhere. I'm very very pro this...
Honestly, I'd argue the CPQ just needs better prizes, imagine being able to use those coins for special cash shop items, untradable gear, or just...
I had suggested that in the past, but it was shot down :(...
I instantly wanted to disagree, and I still do with the XP somewhat, but it really got me thinking. I think that a fun bump could be something...
I don't think I can retroactively add a poll That being said in my personal opinion. I think keeping the 2x exp is fine. After 11 years, players...
I have always been a fan of PQs. I've been vocal in the past about pushes to ensure that PQs are played more, from buffing current prizes,...
Honestly I just want an extra Olaf II step that doesn't need a PQ added so Ironman don't have to bend their rules to get the whole Olaf set.
Can we go back to people arguing for pages about stealing apples? And not paying out Zhelms? I don't really see what all the finger pointing is...
To summarize the thread 1. Many people believe that for minor offenses people deserve a second chance, ban evasions after a long period. Vote...
[Citation Needed]
I know this thread is devolving, but I did want to add a data point that when I first started Royals. I couldn't find the Taxi and walked to Henn...
BogMonster is NOT Possible [MEDIA] Stupid Scunthorpe problem.
[ATTACH] When asking Fiona about her hobbies.
[ATTACH] We need more Tim Can we have TimL TimM TimN and TimO?
^ Could we have King Slime have a chance to drop Slime Sack then?
I would make the argument that the Multi-Voting seems like such a big deal is because the 'delay' of being banned for it for the people who missed...
The point wasn't dismissive of the situation just the way they're handling it. Although my point may not have come out as I meant it. The point...
The point is we don't all need to hear about it. Bicker back and forth in PM and then submit on blacklist and move on. Take it to DM, then when...
Separate names with a comma.