It looks like you are attempting to connect with a banned IP. Please reset your router to obtain a different IP address, and then try connecting...
Hello, Do you recognize any of these IGNs? Suzashi Doestar AttackCrash SamSepiol
Hello, Does the following IGN look familiar? IoIltaittao
Sent a PM requesting Usernames
Sent PM requesting Username
If three of you were playing from the same connection, and all of you are voting each day, you would of had to apply for the Voting Whitelist, and...
14-days is given to those who minor vote abused. The number of times you extra-voted was beyond what could be acceptable as Minor Vote Abuse. As...
I'm sorry, but the number of times you extra voted was a significant number, enough for the Admins to issue a Major Vote Abuse ban. Our voting...
Hello, You have been banned for Vote Abuse: [Spoiler] The Admins checked your voting history and saw a number of times where you voted on more...
Please provide your IGNs so we can look into your ban reason. We cannot do anything to assist you if all you provide us with is "Nil".
Apologies. We forgot one last step when we unbanned your account. It has been fixed and you should be able to connect now.
Then that is your account name, not your IGN? Could you be a little more specific when the last time was that you logged into the game? Down to...
Hello, The IGN (censored) does not exist in the game. Did you misspell or misremember it?
Hi iGatoradz, Apologies for the inconvenience. Looks like you were caught up in a ban that was not meant for you. I have unbanned your...
Very well. Banned until February 7, 2024 at 00:00 Servertime. Be good!
Hello, Your Account is not banned. However, the IP you are currently trying to connect with is banned. Please reset your router to obtain a...
Hello, Unfortunately, it seems that your account was hacked, and was banned to prevent further damage. You will have to go to the Control Panel...
Very well. Banned until March 10, 2024 at 00:00 Servertime. Be good!
All right. I will pass this on to the Admins for them to check. Please be patient and wait for a response from them here.
All right. Thank you for the information. I found your account. You were banned back in March 2019 for suspicion of Real World Trade:...
Besides the account you gave me via PM, do you have any other accounts?
Sent a PM for account info.
You will get the "This ID has been deleted or blocked" message whenever you attempt to log into the game using an IP that someone else used in the...
Separate names with a comma.