I'm not sure what your logs are showing but these are screenshots of the day the items were completed, using snipping tool, by 3415 and then...
I have screenshots of the items as I made them...
Yes please let me know like I’ve said I’ve put a lot of hard work into my accounts and my hours will show for it even if it’s only been since...
If you are able to check logs or item creations you will see that I made those items (20 SCG under 9B, 121 DSC under 15B, 12FS that traded down to...
All Your Character Names: 3415, yfrihohyf Last thing you did: CWPQ prequest on my yfrihohyf and was chilling in fm on 3415 Why do you think you...
https://maplestory.wiki/GMS/240/item/1702813 Item ID: 1702813 Item name: Royal Guard Weapon Version: GMS Type: Weapon IMG:[IMG]...
IGN/Level/Job: HENTALLORD/135/BISHOP Other Characters: yfrihohyf/45 atm/ future bucc Timezone: Central Previous Guilds: N/A Do you know anyone in...
S> whisper me ign: HENTALLORD
B> 211+ TMA WAND IGN: HENTALLORD Paying in B coins or have some items willing to trade w/ + meso
Separate names with a comma.