I think I am gonna be an IL.. hopefully its not a bad choice..
i think i am gonna end up using even more mesos for skill mastery books than saving up the money by spamming heal rather than pots
How do you find the ID for stuff? I managed to find this thanks to someone but for future references.. Item ID: 37717 Item Name: Soprano Hair...
So go for IL or FP? I guess bisjop is out of the story..
Mushking pq with a party of other ppl and taking turns taking the box of your class..
Just some fyi My first mage was an IL, also the first char.. i know all knowledge about bish and il but not too much on fp. atm i am only lv 18...
I got the actual robo one displayed in the cash shop, is that good?
uh so i got a question.. when i opened my dragon and robo pet it gives me some weord looking pets that doesnt look like the one i bought.. like...
its depressing how fm separates the community to actually be in hunting grounds :/ like henesys, should be crowded as always it did in maple.
compared to ppl out in towns and hunting grounds? Like i dont know if its cuz i am a low lv but... ive seen one or two ppl in 5 days. But whrn i...
its rly boring to lv at lv 17 alone. yes, 17. all of you should add me, no ones no where around ellinia qq ign: Slap
~ le bump
on the patch notes it says it is. what got modified exactly? are there new cosmetics added?
Add me. ign: Slap I am korean but i cant type korean here with my phone.. ㅁㅜㅓㅈㅣㅇㅣㄱㅓㄴ
Item ID: 37703 Item name: Fleur hair What version of MS is it from: KMS, GMS
will this get added at some point? I really want these eyes. Just wanna know if thr GM's are gonna add it.
guys have it, why not females??
cuz it gives me a this webpage is unavailable message for google chrome and internet explorer. i have been not able to play cuz i couldnt download...
will this helphttp://royals.ms/forum/threads/cannot-download-anything.13832/ the last reply
um not a link just the client download button from the download page
it says this page is not available. no matter what browser i use.
Thanks for your help, the chrome setting worked. But now, the client downloader is acting up. I get This webpage is not available error now, when...
cuz i am doing one for my friend and myself..
thank you!
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