Oooh not a bad idea
people farm these for NX, Cards, and gizers mainly. i dont think anyone really does it for the XP. griffey for the heros will quest too. idk if...
Still available?
so i quit royals a few months back for my mental health, love the game, love the people, it consumed me blah blah blah. i check my discord today...
lilyuh/ corsair/ Lvl155 Timezone: PST/ GMT-8 How active are you? all day every day. A little about yourself: i love omok, bossing, guild events,...
ign duccaneer
DM me if you wanna chat about this more. Got some tweaks/ questions for you. The 2 ill leave in forums is. 1. Why BW buff and no axe buff. 2....
Do it :p unless you can part with it for like 100m? @Elor and roelypopper if you got a bow I can buy I'd love it
this is insane haha what do you want for it? i was kinda lookin for throw aways cuz just need it til like level 35 haha
name:BEGI timezone: PST (GMT -8) ign/class/lvl: LilYuh/ Corsair/ 155 other characters: i have 9 accounts but main ones to note are...
Lv 10 miwok bow from Hennessy gachapon. If you have one clean or scrolled I'll buy it. I'll pay 30m for a clean one
It's real good XP from 120-130ish
HOT TAKE: instead of running trio/quad bon. Run 6-12 man cwk. Divy up the rewards with the group of people. Reduced burnout from faster runs,...
Hey victor I recently found I love Bowmasters 0.0 if you get some lesser arclancers you wanna toss my way I'll pay whatever you feels fair for em
sold in game to ploopie
1.5b straight 122 HP/7 wep att/ 4 slots
Trade for a GM tagged flower crown? :D
Would trade for my flower crown if interested
If still available would you take a GM Becca Tagged flower crown as a trade?
Value 14 att @7.5 I'd take that +4.5b as a/w Or +2.5 for a s/b whichever you prefer
Separate names with a comma.