why not make everyone both genders so we wear everything we want OwO
https://royals.ms/forum/threads/ban-appeal.109021/ it really hurts to see such a thread. on one hand, i want to believe the person who worked his...
they were 3% in store at 100m+, so CS/WS trading still is much better. 3% per trade is a huge deal when dealing with large sums of money. and...
you can also use the website to see how many players are online at any given time :)
that is an interesting point but i'm not convinced supply and demand didnt play a big role in it together with inflation of the currency. only...
probably because it doesn't make sense to simply claim they have "always been X price" like Section said. though even before the new source, the...
lol you talk about prices as if they were made to please only the customer and not subject to supply and demand. it's not the case, your feelings...
yea people panic cause they think the coin will replace WS/CS so they sell before the price drops i don't think it'll drop further and we might...
lol you don't spend a lot of time in the FM then. people have been selling for 450+ (even peaked at 540) for about 3 months now, i very easily...
don't be tempted to sell your NX, spend it wisely and not all at once :) AP resets go for 16m ea
i'm aiming to make a 15k HP+ NL at around lvl 150, since the process is so expensive and excruciating i thought i'd get some help from someone who...
i think ill be taking a break from royals, don't kick me pls :3
NVM apparently u need to hunt for 5 hours and kill thousands of red kentaurus until u get one.. [IMG] GG
boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i finally found one omg i have been hunting for a burning book for like 5 hours combined and got like 70% just...
Farmed over 3k red kentaurus over the course of a few hours and i just can't seem to be able to get a burning book... can you verify on the drop...
did u make an actual report?
3 per household per hour ~imboss
any tips on surviving and killing a BF? need the toenail :P he 1 shots me..
i have gone to great lengths just to undo the damage caused to my reputation by these false allegations; any man who cares about his reputation...
why would i take your word when you're literally accusing me of the most shit tier scam possible? you keep saying how you forget, so i'm calling...
why do you make the most low quality posts imaginable? i literally wrote: "apparently people rather be nit picky about analogies i pick and start...
i like you stingy but your comment is ridiculous, heres why; your evidence is a case where i was banned for sitting in someones map while he...
changing your story and leaving facts out until called out shows bad intentions because it shows u have something to hide, it shows you've...
"why apologize when you can make bad attempts at humor", the post.
deleting and then not reposting UNTIL called out is a problem, it shows bad intention especially when you've made allegations and then retracted...
Separate names with a comma.