159 tma ele 6 sold to @rtyfghvbn111 for 350m
gonna sell 159 tma ele 6 a day from s/b any more offers? also bump :)
Sure, sounds good
Added 159 TMA, 153 TMA, 151 TMA, and 150 TMA Ele Wand 6
Unfortunately my red marker has alrdy been sold, however I'll hold the white socks for you :)
Unfortunately I already sold my 3 int red marker, the 5 int shoes are still available though, i'll hold it for u
I'm in game right now, if you're on, pm: FluffyUp
ight pm FluffyUp in game :)
Yea 50m sounds good when are you on?
Realized i'm pretty broke, been holding onto a bunch of crap with no intention of actually doing somethin with em, so might as well sell them!...
idk if you're still lookin to buy a 3 int red marker but I got one :)
B> Bow Expert 30
Content is in the title, offer me up! Ign: FluffyUp
Y'all blew a 21 point lead...Keep dreaming though! It'd be interesting to see a new world with different modifications. I know nothing about tech...
I'm still lookin (partially cause I've been too lazy to actively search for a partner) but if anyone hasnt finished and needs a partner lemme know!
By now the questline should work (hopefully???) but I'm down to do it with you if you want!
Ill buy a dep star! Would love to buy everything as well but might as well be fair for others :) Ign: FluffyUp
When trying to talk to Flo to teleport into the other realm in order to fight the two Thanatos, the "NPC runs into an error".
Just a quick update: turns out the questline is bugged rn, as the NPC Flo runs into an error and won't let you into the map. Hopefully they fix it...
Hai friends, Idk if there is already a thread for those who need partners for the Elquines/Ifrit questline so I might as well start one now with...
No estimate, soz bud :(
ngl this thread is no different from the array of threads, posts, and SB messages of those complaining about the problems of the new source...
To erryone bitching about the new source: [MEDIA] But on a more serious note, kudos to all the staff members that have poured hours (maybe even...
Separate names with a comma.