Shield sold!
Maple Magician Shield, Silver Windshoes, and Red Starlight have been added. Bump!
I'd like to buy this shield for 1.8b if it's still available.
Slowly completing quest after quest while enjoying the nostalgia of amazing BGMs and maps. [IMG]
Although I do agree with the idea that the cost of producing an Omok set should be decreased, collecting the pieces is not the only way to obtain...
A/W has been set at 650m. The wand will be sold within the next 24 hours.
That definitely makes more sense, thx! :)
Quest: Amoria: The Sakura Garden 1 Location: Henesys NPC: Jacob Details: The Silk Feathers required for the quest are not dropping whatsoever. I...
Hi there, I am selling the following item(s): 21 INT Female Bathrobe: [IMG] The current prices are: S/B: 200m C/O: 250m A/W: 475m Green Neos...
Bump; one set was sold yesterday - 2 sets remaining in CH1 FM12 (IGN IVIichael).
Bump. Price is now 395m.
Bump. Price has been reduced from 405m to 400m. My character (IVIichael) will be in Ch1, FM12 until about 4:00am on March 27th (server time)!
Hi there, My price for crystal ilbis is 405m 400m 395m each. Feel free to offer me on forums and/or visit my store (currently in Ch1, FM12 (IGN...
Ok I'll bid 2.3b then, please
I'd like to bid 2.2b for the 186 tma wand 5, please
Are these earrings still available?
Are the 32 tma lvl 60 earrings still available? If so, I'd like to bid 1.25b :)
Bump; items still for sale! I am willing to negotiate :)
Hello there, Below is a list of items up for sale. Feel free to leave any offers! [SPOILER] [SPOILER] [SPOILER] [SPOILER] [SPOILER] [SPOILER]...
Hello there, I am selling 2 Naricain Jewels for 370m each! Feel free to contact me here or in-game via iviichaeL. Thanks in advance!
Separate names with a comma.