I use Mana Bull for grinding usually on both my FPAM and Bishop. As far as HP goes, I usually get barbarian elixir on my FPAM and Bishop... or I...
Sometimes Nvidia Gfx drivers can cause issues. Have you tried running Royals in VMWare and seeing if it's the graphics card as the issue? Have you...
Leveled Soleil from 155 to 156 Leveled Aurinko 122 to 125 Leveled Strings 97 to 99 Attempted Horntail with Fryslan
I need Infinity 10 on both my Bishop and my FPAM. IGN: Aurinko / Soleil
IGN: Soleil Level: 155 Class: F/P Arch Mage Need: MW 20, EXP (Alternate in case Bishop is needed) IGN: Aurinko Level: 121 (almost 122) Class:...
[UPDATE] I have returned to Royals after many months of semi-inactivity. Here's to Serenity's revival! [IMG]
Being a Luk Mage I tend to hang out at Newts.
45 tickets @ CBD: [SPOILER] Total value: 27.3mil (minus equips)
I need to get Infinity 10 on both my FP and Bishop! Igns: Aurinko and Soleil
I need to HTPQ on my Bishop for Gene10... ign: Aurinko
[IMG] (and Mike's hitting 200) [IMG]
+Kat -Kevin
+kat - Kevin
+Kat - Kevin
+Kev -Xtine
+Kat -xtine
+xtine -chok
+kat, -chok
I'm a Nursing Major as well... I've been a Nursing major for over 3 years now... still no degree yet. Ugh. I was also minoring in Spanish Language...
Weird part of me, eh? - I secretly think I'm going to turn Canadian, but then I realize I'm from New Jersey and I swear more than I say "Sorry"...
I was fused. :( So much pain. So many fevers. So many struggles now. Ugh. I just want to wallow for a bit. No feeling below the waist, minimal...
Separate names with a comma.