idk what you mean oh ok now i know yes just much islanders had it years ago, maybe we will can get it too from independence event ?
[IMG] Was this hat ever on royals ? I think it's already islanders symbol lol It would b fun when we will can get it from some event
Becuz i don't have anything to do with my monay i gonna bought some donor stuff, and here's question: Does mint snow cap has effect of bubble on...
[IMG] sorry for double
Are Villagers active ?
Will maple island characters can use trade button to teleport to fm ? If ya, it will ruin islanders on royals, because everyone will can buy...
Is hp washing needed to bossing for other characters than warriors ?
Where can i get bathrobe ? Most of people have it on low and high levels, i saw few on FM's, some are clean but most are scrolled, and they are...
Is there bucc guide ? Member of my guild said that he using it, but i didn't saw that anywhere in royals forums.
mistake, btw im player for like a year ;^)
Just... I don't like playing mages, especially Bishop.
Is there any other method ? I don't like selling leech + there are alot of scammers. How many dex most end-game knuckle needs ?
1. Which stat does pirates needs for wearing equips ? 2. How to fast make some meso ? 3. Is bucc good choose ? Or maybe Corsair ? 4. Is there...
[IMG] wow i found a new friend !!1111111 he gived me a rose !!!!!111111 21 att rose i feeling more fhamouz than before greetings to islandahs they...
everyone is dead rip
[IMG] mine wand is bettah in magic attack
rip *goes play maplestory 2*
Islanding is more fun than beginnering or sumthing Btw. Are there still Islanders ? I didn't see anyone and Slut aren't updating anything on the...
In this guide aren't much things about equips, stat builds, etc.
kay sure sure i already get 64 lvl maple wand +7
64 lvl maple wand till 200 ? seems good
AP, not SP...
na its not all. How to use my AP at bishop ?
Kay kay, that's all atm. I'll make a Bishop.
Is it fast or took few months to get all this stuff ?
Separate names with a comma.