I'd say add options to select even higher resolutions. Some people don't care for the missing background in certain maps. The game is still much...
I really dislike the way the FM works in this game. what's wrong with it: 1) It's difficult to put the right price for your items.. unless you...
Not sure why some of you are comparing 1h mace with 2h mace. That's like trying to decide which fart smells worse. I can tell you they both smell...
As for the script it is 1:1, I've posted the code, you can try it out. The dropping speed also depends on the scroll wheel of your mouse.. Some...
1 in my case, taking off my finger will stop dropping right away, so I bound it to scrolling up as well to maximize drop speed. Lifting your...
I don't think I violated any rules besides check out this video: [MEDIA]
Do read the script again please.. this line: MouseClick, Left is only listed once for each button, it only occurs once every time I scroll the...
This script does not work while I'm afk nor does it have more than one function each button, just like @Tim describes. Try this out ingame, you...
[IMG] edit: changed size and removed name
I'll show the script when I get home. I did not break any rules.
Your Character Names: - Last thing you did: - Why do you think you got banned?: third party software to drop mesos faster Ban message when...
it's not not too bad actually, but it would be nice if everyone could choose a class, instead of the class choosing you some people play what...
still better than current state
balanced classes? go back instead of going further 3rd job as final job is the way to go
Sorry, I thought the post would be clear to the average mapler. It wasn't my intention to confuse you.
Is a big fucking mess imo, I never liked it. Life would be so much easier with free owls of minerva Mesos sink? increase fee on auctions?
Ocean mesana & dark mesana (lv 25 mage gloves) currently drop without any int on them (confirmed by a gm) The gm said it might take a while for...
alrighty, thanks
no? any gm can confirm this?
pick any mage class and wash like a boss fuck dem blizz/meteo/gen
even tho i didn't play for a while, i still voted from time to time, now that i'm back it looks like i voted 28 times but that doesn't sound right...
I'm not so sure about that as I've tested it nearly a year ago on a toon (leveled just to try it out) I lost less MP on resetting (I could be...
lv 200 bonus mp: 3800 380x hp wash without improved max mp: about -12540 mana instead of -16340 3800 difference so if you wash more than 380...
Hi guys, I've been lvling a mage for a while and hp washing it, then I started to wonder if I'd be able to hp wash more often if I didn't take the...
are client crashes important too? if so: 10:01 PM (UTC) think it happened when i talked to an npc (not sure) it was an error, all i know is there...
Separate names with a comma.