S>137/18str pinaka or T> equal sky ski/pyrope spear S/B 2.5b
ALL Your Character Names: Flippyfloppy, i honestly don't remember the 2 others.. something like diddle.. Last thing you did: gacha at showa Why do...
okay sunday it is :)
ahhh unfortunately i won't be online at that time D: I'll be on around this time the next day, would you be available?
hi! what is your ign?
perf dark katte for sale; 10 dex, 13 luk, 8 acc sold for 999m ~ cn_joy
Sorry, sold already
changed price to 2.8b
Yes still available, not taking downgrades unfortunately
s/b 2.6b, a/w 2.8b cs at 500m each
selling in 20h
c/o 2.6b by xALrightyx
changed s/b
s/b 2.5b selling 48h from last bid
PM me prices or comment below :)
Separate names with a comma.