Okay, I accept your offer for the bow as the final offer and I'll sell it to you. Please pm me on fourms or in game, so we can conduct the trade....
Lowered a/w to 7.5b! Selling the bow tomorrow to @MusicMaker2003 if no other bids.
I'm going to hold you to that offer.
If you wanna bid, do it now or I will sell the bow for s/b to greedy.
I appreciate the .... strange offer. But I have my own bow already and don't need ap resets.
Selling this bow 109att clean with 3 slots in [IMG] s/b - 6b a/w- changed a/w to 7.5b How long am I going to sell keep this thread up? -Changed,...
Oh yeah that one ski where u scrolled and a 30 passed... but then realized it was the same as passing a 70% on a 99att.... Then the real 30%...
I blew up a lot of skis...all of them boom on first 30....
@Muren ,@Huff
Male 1
Cooking Up A Storm [IMG] Cooking for my fav customer, Dakkie ^^ After cooking for so long..... I burnt the food (and myself), I'M ON FIRE!...
IGN: Affinity Level/Job: 196/bowmaster Loots: maple warrior for my bishop to hit skeles (off class- purchase)/ leaf for dispel mule. For run at...
I finally hit my goal, cap dmg! (and 30k hp/mp) #illuminatedmg [IMG]
Female 2
[IMG] 15k hp without mp wash! Thanks for all the grats guys <3
Byeee, I'll always remember bossing with you in Infinity. You were the swag! I'll never forget all the times I asked for market prices. Now I have...
c/o 800m from @togomango sorry, I've been busy lately so didn't bump thread or anything >.< or update.
[IMG] c/o : 600m+ 20 ap resets = 780m. a/w : 1.2b I do take white scrolls at 260m
Bye man, I remember grinding with u daily in our trio pt of your bucc, my bishop, and my afking bm that leeches. It was the swag. We would talk...
Looking for Oyabun's range next! The pure int range be op.
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