a/w it :D
Still available?
s/b. Ign: Zappas
What the title says. S> for 50mil :D Ign : Zappas
Never mind, cancel last
i wanna buy the 1.5b single earrings. Ign : Zappas
What title says. I am a level 125 bishop with 1868 hp and 10820 mp. Ign: Zappas
About this time on Saturday? Job : bishop lvl: 125
Hey, are you guys still providing the service? Ign: Zappas
What is the s/b for raccoon?
what is the s/b for doros?
1.5 raccoon mask
B> helm 60% int scroll high int blue jewelry shoe purple gaia/ yellow adventurer (scrolled) white raccooon/ raccoon mask (scrolled) Ign: Zappas...
650 mask
270 mask
260 mask
830 mil for 26 tma shield
250 mask
550 for white work glove
can you sell it to me for 800mil? Please :D
Do you still have the dark noel?
Looking for a Dark Noel which has m.att :D Offer me please
Separate names with a comma.