Not Photoshoped. [IMG] [IMG]
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [spoiler]
It's a luxury item, there's really not much more to it - it's costly of course. I guess people call it "end game item".
[img] So the "new source" is real and not an elaborate hoax? *takes off tin foil hat*
I forgot to untick "Use White Scroll" and wasted a White Scroll on a CAPE LUK 30%. [img]
Item sold to @a1989829901 for 5 bil. and trade went smooth. /Thread closed
Write me a PM with your ingame name : - )
C/O 5 bil. @a1989829901 I will sell later today if no one else bids higher.
[IMG] 13 ATT Pink Gaia Cape, 0 slots S/B: 4 bil. A/W: 6 bil. C/O: 5 bil. @a1989829901 Accepting Chaos and White Scrolls @300 mil. each.
Wow, that must be amazing! I wish I could get that feeling again. [img]
I am wondering if this dagger is worth anything and if so, how much? [img]
After about 1 run of Zakum helmets... I've finally manged to loot this! Some guy said I got a relatively decent helmet, so I thought I could post...
Hi! Event status says it's still active. Have a lovely day [img]
You don't (based on my and guild mates experience and testing) lose a Safety Charm. I believe this is simply how the "no EXP lose" was made...
Thanks, much appreciated. Can you unban my other account as well? IGN: Fortyseven
Character Name: LoveHarmy Last thing you did: Traded with my other character trying to move my mesos (I got my store on LoveHarmy, so I often move...
Separate names with a comma.