I think I read the top 2 most valuable places are Nlc and shrine. If I wanted to add a third what would be a good choice. Also how much are resets...
I'm coming back after a long break my main is a 94 priest I would like to continue lvling and maybe fund a bm or drk down the road. But would it...
Hey would love to join you guys IGN: Froth
Sky ski- 98 WA S/B: 100m C/O: A/W 215m Clean yellow adventure cape C/O: A/W: 20m Green Dragon Sleeve- 55 WA C/O A/W: 25m PGC- 2 WA S/b: 50m...
Plenty you are the forums God and I can't Thank you enough!
98 att sky skis 2 int red maker Yellow adventure cape 94 MA 8int elemental wand 2 0 slots
S/b 60m C/o A/w 125m
Plenty you are the most helpful person on this entire server you deserve a medal.
Looking for a P/C for these two item will be selling the PGC and trying to buy a low budeget int BR
As the title says im new to maples and have got enough to get a wg how much would each of these cost me?
Okay and I'll take MA and accuracy pots and give it a try.
Gs2 at what level? Currently finding really nice rush groups with bishops and arch mages for LPQ. 18k exp in about 2-3 minutes it's just mind...
Wineer 380m NMNA send ign
Action ends in 20 minutes get your last bids in
Auction ends in two hours or 8:30 cst going to the highest c/O.
Didn't we just meet in fm in like 30 mins ago..?
bump it closing bidding tonight
Sold to hidemi for the a/w post duch in game I'm on now
bump it
Well it seems ive having trouble find efficient places to train as a cleric. Ive tried wraiths and chronos and neither really seem that great....
C/O A/w: 35m
Separate names with a comma.