Job: Hermit Level: 87 Current HP: 6638 Current MP: 3366 Current Base Int: 250 Int Gear Total Int: 100 HP Goal: 19,000 Level for HP Goal: 155 Help...
IGN: Iced Latte Job: Holy Man Lvl: 144 Now i don't really know how the screening process goes for this guild stuff so we're just going to throw...
Just want to point out that the Shield options are very limited in the shop. Iirc about 4 in reg shop and 3 in NX? If somebody were to create some...
My dumbass figured out the wraith thing a few days ago after a couple deaths no less. Appreciate it. Might hit up platoon's for some slow xp but...
Hey, yet another rookie question coming from me. I have a Sin that is on hold atm b/c the account was stripped of everything valuable but I'm...
Thank you for responding, but I'm looking for other options besides what's recommended in the Guide.
Currently Self Leeching. Been referring to Joon's Guide: Leeching Guide (Updated 2021) | MapleRoyals It's been good for the most part but I'm not...
Woo! @Tim has saved me once again!
Grew some love handles in this process.... Not a big deal.
Awesome. Thank you!
Sorry to pry, but where will I find the notification for the account? Email, inbox, or on this post?
Appreciated, thanks again.
Things have now been updated
Thank you!
Character Names: iMiss Mochas (unsure if I deleted or not) Last thing you did: Last login was 2017 Why do you think you got banned?: My guess...
Okay, thank you for your help.
"This is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection."
I haven't played since 2017. Tim was very helpful in figuring out my account username. I know I have another account now but at login it said it's...
You keep saying "figure out the other login ID" but in total I'm missing 6 characters and that all doesn't fit on one account. I don't remember...
Also missing a couple other characters. Wondering if they exist. Character name(s): iMiss Character job(s): Bowmaster Character level(s): can't...
Character name(s): IcedLatte Character job(s): Bishop Character level(s): around 140.
I'd like to say yes but anything's a possibility. Would there be a way to figure out my other login ID? Thought I made 2 logins. I can log into...
Could have deleted the first, but definitely not the 2nd
No. IcedLatte was a bishop and the moneymaker of my accounts. Donated to server off that account as well.
Separate names with a comma.