I feel like this thread should be locked now. It has served its purpose and is simply flame on both sides.
Quit tempting me with cravens I need to buy a 15scg -.-'
Preciate it Eli! If i don't end up getting this 15 scg i might could place a bid
He really only came in and made some critique's then multiple people saw it as a claim that NL's needed a buff when it really wasn't. Then it went...
ummm cuz it's a public forum annd I felt like commenting 0___o
Probly so. I'm just mellow and really 0 fucks given about balancing lmao. Balancing classes starts a never ending cycle of issues brought up by...
We all got our beefs and problems tbh. Some are worse some not so much. The bottom line is we all have skewed views. A class you played to 155 and...
Yo Ray it's chickfila. How much you buyin Certo's for? I can hold on to the ones I get and sell to you
Title says it all, lookin for some 15 scgs IGN: ChickFilA
I guess you could say I frequently loan Ya 6B @KevinJai when I'm not bossing. You just put em on your feet lmao! No tax Cuz it's an item :P
VOON! That you?!
(Sir Voice) Mhm yes I concur...what a barbaric response to s picture *twists handlebar mustsce* how UN-sophisticated.
Oh damn that sucks. I got lucky then, I ended up getting the drop around 2x Griffy's. and one dropped a leaf so GG xD
5 Griffy's RIP :(
Is the Griffy drop bugged as well?
The one and only. What IGN are you? I was actually referring to OP when I said "Ray!!" I guess yall have the same name
Lemme snag them 21 SP Sila :P
that shoe is making me want to scroll my 12 att 2 slot again...decisions decisions....17 att hype? :P
Ray! Heil Cheesecake!
Knock-back = Triple Throw = normal DPS No knock-back = Pokes = 1's Ninja Storm > DoT's
Exactly why I got clarification. I figured one was Ninja STORM, but didn't know which. Preciate it Sila. One more level then I'll be done saving...
Yo where do I get Ninja Storm again? I know it's a quest but I forget how -__-
Will do
Character Name: ChickFilA Last thing you did: Trained @ Oblivion Why do you think you got banned: Hello, I would like a ban request. I don't know...
Forgot I still had this from my starter days. Tyvm. The claw is a 3 wa upgrade but don't have the funds to bid lol. Have exact same star top. And...
Separate names with a comma.