Scrolls: Earring Dex 60% 5m (4) Earring Dex 70% 4.5m (28) Bottom Dex 60% 9m (2) Wand MA 60% 300k (96) Cape Int 60% 4m (2) EQ: lv. 23 Magician...
Forgot about this picture. Never did the Deputy Star Quest line prior to this.
So I did the whole Deputy Star Quest line for the first time in new source and there wasn't the "Lost in Transaction" after I finished them all....
As seen in the attached images, I've had no issues with Papulatus Clock but when Papulatus came out I couldn't attack it/receive any damage from...
Thanks alot !! :D:D:D:D
I've failed 2 already, one I got at 40m the other at 35m. :X The highest I'm willing to go is 50m so if you're interested drop me a pm/ingame....
bump !
Alright then. Pm or in game when you're free to trade :D IGN: HocWah
Are you online now?
I got 7 earring int 10%. Pm me or in game. IGN: HocWah
Leave your offers below ! ^_^'
Bot dex 60% 10m each (2)
hocwah im online now :D
a/w neos
s/b neos
S> battleship cannon 20 15m (2)
Separate names with a comma.