Tell me: Current Level - 32 Current HP - 1075 Current MP - 929 Current Base Int - 113 Int Gear Int - Currently 75 Level to Stop Leeching -...
Okay so I have been trying to mess with the calc but i think just making myself more confused. Would you mind helping me.. I have been thinking...
80m Palm tree 210m Code of Hammurabi 1.6b Ryko
S> 1.44b
IGN: Fiiex Problem: Leveled up to 71 and lost sp points Details: I leveled up to 71 while i was doing the job advancement, When I was talking to...
I can confirm they do drop, I have gotten about 10+ from selling leech there.
Yes they recently added this feature in about a month or so ago. You have to be level 50 now to purchase Ap resets just like gach tickets.
75m Fish tank
4atk clean 555m
IGN: Matt21 I think what you are trying to do is great, I just started a few days again and am lacking in meso, the idea of this can help many...
IGN: Matt21 Level:55 Chair: A/D if still available
Separate names with a comma.