No właśnie widziałem twoją prośbę, ale że nie stworzyłeś tu tematu to ja to zrobiłem. I nie wiem czemu cię nie dodałem, daj mi inva jeszcze raz,...
Please Admins, tell us what you doing with server to reduce current problem, because, personally, I'm starting to lose patience when server...
I know some players will hate me for this suggestion, but leveling on BFs is now way too easy. In last time, we had a lot of SC, but GM's were...
Ponieważ moderatorzy byli tacy mili i zrobili nam polskie podforum, szkoda by było z niego nie korzystać. Zacznijmy może więc od naszych IGNów...
Ok, I know how that was working on GMS, but want to know how that works here. Also, SI stacking with booster is probably too hard to do for GM's...
I think before bigbang that was +1 on lvls 1-10 and +2 on lvls 11-20, because I remember Thunder Breaker guides before BB and they were suggesting...
I was asking guildmates yesterday, but didn't get sure answer, so I want ask Matt (or other GM). Please tell me how it boosting attack speed. Its...
Old screen. Double level up by accident.
Offer here or in-game. Damjantaps or Czarek2502. I won't sell if offer won't satisfy me.
4 chaos and 420m
If you really want add it (I personally don't want it), don't do that as event item. That will be not fair, like its now with Brandish 30. Few...
Buying: 30% 1h sword att white scrolls power crystals/ores 7+ att facestompers IGN: DamjanTaps, Czarek2502 Selling: Leech for 75lvl+ 45m/h
Separate names with a comma.