[ATTACH] C/o 7.5b A/w 8.5b IGN:ThrobinRod
Leave offer on this thread or message me in game @ThrobinRod
[ATTACH] Maple Shield S/b 2.5b A/w 3b [ATTACH] Maple Skanda S/b 1.8b A/w 2.1b [ATTACH] Stone Tooth S.b 1.3b A/w 2b PM in game...
Offer on this thread of message me in-game @throbinRod
Message me in game or leave offer below! ign@Throbinrod
Message me in game or post offer below!!! In game names @throbinrod
Message me in-game @ThrobinRod if you would like to make an offer!
Separate names with a comma.