If possible, could the boss mobs (O/pachu, darkstars, bloody bombs, for zak/pap/pia respectively) and the like be removed from ~bosshp? It spams you when there are a lot of them which occasionally lags you slightly but also makes chatting nearly impossible sometimes when bossing.
Might be silly question but why do you need bosshp for those bosses when there is a HP Bar at the top?
Well, for starters, I think a lot (or at least some) have macro'd ~bosshp so whenever pia dispels for example, one gets spammed by bloody bombs' HP. Same with Zak and O/pachu. And second reason is it's easier to calculate damage output by checking ~bosshp rather than guesstimating the HP bar. Suppose there could be more reasons but I haven't slept for 28 hours so I can't think of any right now. But honestly, it was just a thought of mine, like, if it's easy to execute then it would be appreciated - if it'd be difficult to implement then just focus on more important stuff, like skill bugs/general bugs/BPQ/whatnot.