Name: Z.K. IGN: DeeDaa Alternate Characters: Jz2BeWithYou Guild History: None Ban History: N/A Time Zone: GMT +8 Identification: Keep secret xD Portfolio: N/A
Name: Jan IGN: NotDonn Alternate Characters: N/A Guild History: N/A Ban History: Minor Violation (First Offence) Time Zone: GMT 8 Identification: College Student Portfolio: N/A
Name: Alex IGN: zurcxela Alternate Characters: N/A Guild History: N/A Ban History: N/A Time Zone: GMT -5 Identification: U.S. Navy Submariner Portfolio: N/A
Name: IGN: iPurplee Alternate Characters: Snuggable Guild History: Nyaa, Mystic Ban History: What's a ban, Nevahh Time Zone: Mountain Identification: Auto Tech, Traveler, Business, Auto Photographer Portfolio: None at the moment, working on making a automotive portfolio
Name: Michael IGN: SHWAMunniBB Alternate Characters: N/A Guild History: None, im new Ban History: None Time Zone: East Coast US Identification: College student
Hi, Michael! I checked you in the game while you were afk and you do not currently meet the requirement for our guild. We will happily review your application again once you hit the required level! Happy Grinding!
Name: Raffy IGN: Rtyst Alternate Characters: ✘ Guild History: ✘ Ban History: ✘ Time Zone: EST Identification: UX/UI Designer Portfolio: cannot since most of my work is licensed by company I work for
Name: John IGN: Propiper Alternate Characters: N/A Guild History: The last one was 2 years ago, I don't remember the guild's name. Ban History: N/A Time Zone: CET Identification: College student Portfolio: N/A
Name: Will IGN: Neuroxide Alternate Characters: Guild History: Fate Ban History: None Time Zone: PST Identification: Financier Portfolio:
Name: Ryan IGN: dummyryan Alternate Characters: None Guild History: None (new to the game) Ban History: None Time Zone: EST Identification: Software Eng Portfolio: N/A
Application Format Name: Aljoscha IGN: Joschi Alternate Characters: Guild History: Ban History: Time Zone: +1 Identification: nursery nurse Portfolio:
Name: Danny IGN: Lewski Alternate Characters: N/A Guild History: Generation (too inactive now) Ban History: None Time Zone: EST Identification: Student, Filmer , Audio Specialist , Soundcloud Wizard, Meme Expert Portfolio: recommended by JOSCHI
Name: Logan IGN: LoganBeeee Alternate Characters: N/A Guild History: Generation (1month) Ban History: N/A Time Zone: EST/GMT -4 Identification: 4th year university sutdent/lifeguard Portfolio: N/A
I don't know if you guys are still accepting applications.. BUT Name: Joe IGN: Shockers Alternate Characters: N/A Guild History: N/A Ban History: N/A Time Zone: EST Identification: College Student Portfolio: N/A
Name: Nick IGN: IceStrike Alternate Characters: N/A Guild History: N/A Ban History: N/A Time Zone: EST Identification: College Student Portfolio: N/A Current level 67, will make to lvl 70 by 10/20/2017.