IGN: Fanazeon Level / Class: 109 / Hermit Other Character(s), IGN/Level/Class: None Favourite taco: I have yet to try one Your lifestory in 5 words: Breaking my Head over this (literally) Why Cerulean: Joined about a Month ago and have recently started looking around for a nice and relaxing Guild
IGN: Hextech Level / Class: 133 / Bishop Other Character(s), IGN/Level/Class: None Favourite taco: Not much of a taco fan Life Story: Improving through good and bad. Why Cerulean: Coming back to MapleRoyals and need some new friends
IGN: Bommunity Level / Class: 125/ Hero Other Character(s), IGN/Level/Class: Culture, 70 I/L Favourite taco: Soft shell <3 Your lifestory in 5 words: Football football football football football Why Cerulean: Actually bought a zhelm from Cerulean a while, members were fun and chill. Seems like a dope community
Hey, whisper me, Malfa, McFatty or BambiChew / BambiMeow in-game and we'll set you up with an invite! Welcome! Once you go taco, you never go cat - oughta try it
Hi there, never too late to learn to love (tacos)! ~ Talk to me, or one of the other Jrs. in-game and we'll send you an invite! Welcome to Cerulean
By football, I hope you don't mean soccer Nice to know you've got along with some of our members, talk to one of the Jrs. in-game and we'll have you invited! Welcome
IGN: Suricates Level / Class: 115 Dragon Knight Other Character(s), IGN/Level/Class: MiIes 7x Priest and Ignition 3x F/P, but don't want them in guild. Favourite taco: Potato. 100% serious. Your lifestory in 5 words: I like chocolate and boys Why Cerulean: Getting higher level now and will want a group to go bossing with
Sorry for the delay. Feel free to whisper me or one of the leaders you see on the OP and we will get you an invite. =D
Not an application, but I am genuinely disappointed in the lack of taco knowledge in the Royals community. I mean c'mon. Irrelevant Info Favorite Taco: Tacos de buche y tacos de al pastor
Hello, are you trying to join with your mage or your DK? Currently since we are basically near max capacity on members for a guild (on this server), we can only focus on more 'boss-focus' classes like your DK. If so, feel free to PM one of the leaders and we will get you an invite. =D
IGN: Havia Level / Class: 93 Outlaw (71 2 days ago) Other Character(s), IGN/Level/Class: Frau/149/Bishop Favorite taco: Spicy Salmon Your lifestory in 5 words: I serve the Dragon Queen Why Cerulean: Looking for a friendly guild to play maplestory again! Quit a while back when the server died..
Heya ~ Contact one of us in-game and we'll send you an invite! Welcome~ (You're technically 7 levels below the requirement, but we'll let it slide)
Gonna try and contact you later today! I'm level 97 now so I'll be hitting the level requirement relatively soon